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In this series we will follow various steps to download and install OpenVMS for hobbyist use.  Perhaps suprisingly, OpenVMS is still prevalent in commercial environments.  I have either used or witnessed it in 75% of my placements.

To download OpenVMS for hobbyist use we first need a user group registration.  Fot the HP user group in the UK, this can cost over £100 per year.  There is a user group that offers international and free membership, namely DECUServe.  You will need to telnet to to register. Login as user registration (no password) and follow the prompts.  Make a record of your assigned DECUServe Subscriber Number (starting with US).  Eventually you will see the message %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added, so now make a note of your username and one-time password.

Now you will need to login again.  Do so with your personal username and one-time password.  Set a new password and complete the configuration of your account.  When done, you may wish to run notes to review topics of interest.

You now need to wait a week for your details to be sent to the OpenVMS Hobbyist site. In the meantime perhaps create a personal web page.  In the next instalment we will register for licence codes and the software media.
