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Ready-made QGIS stylesheets (QML) for OpenStreetMap are available for download.  These were created and tested with QGIS version 2.2 on Debian GNU/Linux 7.


The suggested layer order follows.  Note that some layers need to be loaded multiple times to enable differing label styles in QGIS.

  1. osm_places
  2. osm_transport_points (station)
  3. osm_transport_points (junction)
  4. osm_transport_areas
  5. osm_railways_gen0
  6. osm_railways_gen1
  7. osm_railways
  8. osm_motorways_gen0
  9. osm_motorways_gen1
  10. osm_motorways (motorway)
  11. osm_motorways (trunk)
  12. osm_mainroads_gen0
  13. osm_mainroads_gen1
  14. osm_mainroads
  15. osm_minorroads
  16. osm_amenities
  17. osm_buildings
  18. osm_aeroways
  19. osm_waterways
  20. osm_waterareas_gen0
  21. osm_waterareas_gen1
  22. osm_waterareas
  23. osm_landusages_gen0
  24. osm_landusages_gen1
  25. osm_landusages
  26. osm_admin

In order to improve rendering speed you may wish to use the generalised layers as they hold less detail which may not be visible at some scales anyway.  We found the following to be effective without apparent loss of render quality.  For scales of

  • 1:1 to 1:500,000, use the ungeneralised layers;
  • 1:500,000 to 1:1,000,000, use the generalised-1 layers, and
  • 1:1,000,000 and above, use the generalised-0 layers.
Attachment Size
QGIS stylesheets for OpenStreetMap data (30.8 KB) 30.8 KB