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All web pages concerning the administration of this web site.

New web site online

It's Saturday afternoon and I have been working out-of-hours on production databases. Over the last couple of days I have been migrating the web site from a mixture of hand-edited HTML, SHTML, JSPs, Servlets, PHP and CGI, into a new Drupal 6 system. Well, here it is! Please comment! The old system will eventually go online at [URL to be decided] and please report any broken links.




This web site has been created, administered, hosted and maintained by Ewan Parker. The web site has been online since about 1997, though possibly earlier, but earlier backups cannot currently be located to confirm an exact date. However this is the third major revision of the web site.
Ewan is an experienced database administrator, system administrator, and programmer. Please feel free to get in touch with any comments, or leave comments directly on the website, anonymously, at any time.



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