Super Mario Bros online
There is a story in the Daily Mail demonstrating the use of HTML 5 to play Super Mario Bros online in the web browser.
CSS 3D transformations
A great introduction to using CSS to create 3D transformations in the web browser.
POV-Ray animation, transparent web graphics tutorial
Here you will find a complete, worked, end-to-end tutorial for building your own transparent (with alpha channel) animated ray-traced graphics on your web site. The intention is to use a process without any manual steps so that the animation build is completely automated.
For the impatient, download and unpack the supplied TGZ file and run make then view torus-150x120.html in your web browser.
POV-Ray transparent graphics
I have been looking at creating and improving this site's POV-Ray generated graphics.
I have already added an alpha channel. Next, in order to display the favicon better in higher definition displays, I will need to store multiple resolutions in the icon file. Also, use of jitter and radiosity may improve the result.
Web animation with alpha channel
This is probably old now, but I have started (once again) to look at embedding an animation with an alpha channel (transparency) into a web page. I really need to use the PNG format, but need something that is cross-platform, mobile, and friendly in the absence of JavaScript.