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Toshiba mini retractable laser mouse

This is a brief review on the Toshiba mini retractable laser mouse (part number PA3569E-1ETA). There's not really much information out there about this mouse. I picked it up through Amazon for just over £10 with free delivery. For use with Ubuntu GNU/Linux, I wanted something that would work out of the box without requiring pointless drivers. It also needed the middle button to work (most mice are sold as only two-button).


Concurrency and synchronization in POSIX Bourne Shell (sh or bash)

It seems like ages ago now that I found my customer had a process that connected to hundreds of Oracle databases to run predefined SQL for health checks. These databases were hosted all over the world and the SQL could take up to fifteen minutes to complete for a single database (with huge amounts of TNS timeouts). The end result was a CSV file that was ultimately formatted into a spreadsheet to provide management information. It took about a day to obtain this final result.

I thought there was a better way.
